Multidisciplinary Initiative for Space Exploration

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Multidisciplinary Initiative for Space Exploration

The Multidisciplinary Initiative for Space Exploration (MISE) is to elevate the role of Chile in this field. MISE is about strengthening both the space research conducted in Chile and developing related engineering sciences.

Research areas

Space physics and space weather

Our Sun is not only a source of light but also the source of a solar wind. The Earth’s magnetic field shields it from such plasma flow, creating the magnetosphere similar to a turbulent wake behind an obstacle. Numerous satellites have provided invaluable information about space plasmas, allowing us to understand the extreme processes occurring in the near space, such as geomagnetic storms and substorms, which threaten human operations both in space and on ground.

Astronomy and astrophysics

Chile has unique conditions for space exploration and astronomy. We expect to keep contributing to this field in three lines: techniques and technologies to keep clean skies for astronomical observations; astronomical instruments for use in space; and space and planetary physics for stellar and exoplanetary systems

Astrobiology and bioengineering

The hostile conditions of our neighbor planets direct the search of life to the microbial world. The discovery of microbial communities in high and low temperature ecosystems such as those present in deep sea hypothermal vents or the Dry Valleys and frozen lakes of Antarctica respectively, have extended our definition of a habitability zone where to find extraterrestrial life.

Engineering science

Engineering is key to achieve the scientific goals. We will develop Life in Extreme Environment Labs (LEEL) to evaluate technology to sustain life and instruments to gather data to find candidates for aerial and space missions. Leveraging from our experience in instrumentation, robotics, solar energy and mining, we will focus on its development, transportation, deployment, maintenance and efficiency in space.


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